netcdf PCCOS/Cyclone_Yasa_Waves/Aggreg/Aggregated.ncml { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED; // (174 currently) node = 75186; nele = 144459; nvertex = 3; nope = 1; max_nvdll = 329; nbou = 292; max_nvell = 2190; mesh = 1; variables: double time(time=174); :long_name = "model time"; :standard_name = "time"; :units = "seconds since 1980-01-01 00:00:00"; :base_date = "1980-01-01 00:00:00"; double x(node=75186); :long_name = "longitude"; :standard_name = "longitude"; :units = "degrees_east"; :positive = "east"; double y(node=75186); :long_name = "latitude"; :standard_name = "latitude"; :units = "degrees_north"; :positive = "north"; int element(nele=144459, nvertex=3); :long_name = "element"; :cf_role = "face_node_connectivity"; :start_index = 1; // int :units = "nondimensional"; int adcirc_mesh(mesh=1); :long_name = "mesh_topology"; :cf_role = "mesh_topology"; :topology_dimension = 2; // int :node_coordinates = "x y"; :face_node_connectivity = "element"; int neta; :long_name = "total number of elevation specified boundary nodes"; :units = "nondimensional"; int nvdll(nope=1); :long_name = "number of nodes in each elevation specified boundary segment"; :units = "nondimensional"; int max_nvdll; int ibtypee(nope=1); :long_name = "elevation boundary type"; :units = "nondimensional"; int nbdv(max_nvdll=329, nope=1); :long_name = "node numbers on each elevation specified boundary segment"; :units = "nondimensional"; int nvel; :long_name = "total number of normal flow specified boundary nodes including both the front and back nodes on internal barrier boundaries"; :units = "nondimensional"; int nvell(nbou=292); :long_name = "number of nodes in each normal flow specified boundary segment"; :units = "nondimensional"; int max_nvell; int ibtype(nbou=292); :long_name = "type of normal flow (discharge) boundary"; :units = "nondimensional"; int nbvv(max_nvell=2190, nbou=292); :long_name = "node numbers on normal flow boundary segment"; :units = "nondimensional"; double depth(node=75186); :long_name = "distance below geoid"; :standard_name = "depth below geoid"; :coordinates = "time y x"; :location = "node"; :mesh = "adcirc_mesh"; :units = "m"; double swan_HS(time=174, node=75186); :long_name = "significant wave height"; :standard_name = "sea_surface_wave_significant_height"; :units = "m"; :_FillValue = -99999.0; // double :coordinates = "time y x"; :location = "node"; :mesh = "adcirc_mesh"; double swan_DIR(time=174, node=75186); :long_name = "mean wave direction"; :standard_name = "sea_surface_wave_to_direction"; :units = "degrees"; :_FillValue = -99999.0; // double :coordinates = "time y x"; :location = "node"; :mesh = "adcirc_mesh"; double swan_TPS(time=174, node=75186); :long_name = "smoothed peak period"; :standard_name = "sea_surface_wave_period_at_variance_spectral_density_maximum"; :units = "s"; :_FillValue = -99999.0; // double :coordinates = "time y x"; :location = "node"; :mesh = "adcirc_mesh"; // global attributes: :_FillValue = -99999.0; // double :model = "ADCIRC"; :version = "v53-dev-122-g359a97e-modified"; :grid_type = "Triangular"; :description = "VaFito Mesh ! 32 CHARACTER ALPHANUMERIC RUN DESCRIP"; :agrid = "OceanMesh2D"; :rundes = "VaFito Mesh ! 32 CHARACTER ALPHANUMERIC RUN DESCRIP"; :runid = "Yasa ! 24 CHARACTER ALPHANUMERIC RUN IDENTIFIC"; :title = "&timeBathyControl !NDDT, BTIMINC, BCHGTIMINC -- BATHYMETRY TIME RECORDS (IN SEC"; :institution = "NDDT = 0"; :source = "BTIMINC = 0"; :history = "Fri Dec 9 09:41:47 2022: ncatted -a base_date,time,m,c,1980-01-01 00:00:00\nFri Dec 9 09:41:12 2022: ncatted -a units,time,m,c,seconds since 1980-01-01 00:00:00\nBCHGTIMINC = 43200"; :references = "/"; :comments = "&metControl"; :host = "WindDragLimit= 2.0000000000000000E-003 ,"; :convention = "DragLawString=\'Powell \',"; :Conventions = "UGRID-0.9.0"; :contact = "rhoAir= 1.1499999999999999"; :creation_date = "2020-12-21 19:20:18 13:00"; :modification_date = "2020-12-21 19:20:18 13:00"; :fort.15 = "==== Input File Parameters (below) ===="; :dt = 1.0; // double :ihot = 0; // int :ics = 2; // int :nolibf = 1; // int :nolifa = 2; // int :nolica = 0; // int :nolicat = 0; // int :nwp = 2; // int :ncor = 1; // int :ntip = 1; // int :nws = -5; // int :nramp = 1; // int :tau0 = -3.0; // double :statim = 0.0; // double :reftim = 0.0; // double :rnday = 7.25; // double :dramp = 2.0; // double :a00 = 0.0; // double :b00 = 1.0; // double :c00 = 0.0; // double :h0 = 0.1; // double :slam0 = 179.692334; // double :sfea0 = -17.870785; // double :cf = 0.0025; // double :eslm = -0.05; // double :cori = 1.0E-4; // double :ntif = 8; // int :nbfr = 0; // int :NCO = "netCDF Operators version 4.9.1 (Homepage =, Code ="; }